We are incredibly grateful for the financial generosity of our church family, and the wider community of Hampton.
Everything that we do, from sunday services to community work, relies upon the generosity of those who share our vision to see God glorified and people loved.
Regular Giving
The main way that people donate to the ministry of All Saints is via regular, monthly giving. This also enables the church to easily claim Gift Aid on the money donated - at no cost to the giver.
To find out more, or sign up, please follow the link below to the Parish Giving Scheme.
If you would prefer to make a one off donation you can either do so by following the link below, or by using the bank details provided to make a direct transfer.
Account Name: All Saints Church (Hampton) PCC
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Account Number: 00001484
One-Off Donation
If you are a taxpayer please take the time to fill in a Gift Aid form.
Gift Aid means that for every £1 you donate to ASH, the government chips in 20p. It costs you nothing at all, but can make a huge difference to us.
Please just fill in and return the form below.
Gift Aid
Legacies are an incredibly valued way of giving, and often enable All Saints to embark on major work which would not be possible otherwise. At All Saints we have a formal policy that (unless directed otherwise) legacy money is not spent on general upkeep or running costs, as a way to honour the memory of the donor.
If you are considering a legacy donation to All Saints in your will and would like to talk to somebody about it, please contact us. More general information can be found via the Church of England website.