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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Need

At first glance it looks like Jesus is offering us a blank cheque for anything we want. However when, we frame this teaching in the way intended - by the kingdom and the narrow path we see the truth of what the promise is.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Judgement

We make judgements all the time, but it's important to recognise the difference between wise discernment and self-righteousness. Only God is able to judge as only he truly sees our hearts.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Anxiety

Worry is a natural part of human experience - it keeps us safe from potential dangers. Jesus reminds us that there are limits to how much we should be anxious about things and points us towards trusting in God for all we need.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Money

It so easy to get into the habit of buying more and more stuff and to see this as the key to happiness. Our next-day-Amazon-delivery culture draws us off-course from orienting our lives around God.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Desires

We have many God given desires - sexual and otherwise. As good as these might be, Jesus reminds us of the importance of managing them appropriately.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Anger

Most of us manage to go through life without ever murdering anyone (thank goodness!) but managing our anger is a much harder task. We see in the life of Jesus that anger can be good, if properly directed, but too easily it can be destructive.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Words

God calls us to use our words to speak truth and encouragement to others.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Our Witness

We are called to shine light on the hope and healing in a dark world. To do this we need to live as people of mercy, to challenge injustice and to extend love to all we meet.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Unexpected Righteousness

To be truly seen, we have to be hidden. When we stop focussing on self we learn to look towards God.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Unexpected Happiness

As we dig into the opening of the Sermon on the Mount (the Beatitudes) we see that the kind of happiness (blessedness) offered by Jesus stands in contrast to the momentary pleasures of the world.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Unexpected Disaster

The draw of the broad path is strong; it offers us the appearance of freedom, unlimited autonomy and little concern for consequences. However, the call to follow Christ is the call to walk the narrow path of discipleship. Whilst this path is not always the easiest it is nonetheless the path to life and true flourishing.

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John Winterburn John Winterburn

Worship The Newborn King

As the magi were drawn to worship the Christ Child, we too are called to a life offered as a living sacrifice.

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