Kind Lent
Pick Up The Phone
w/c 3 March
In today's busy world picking up the phone often gets forgotten. Take a moment to call someone you know would enjoy hearing your voice rather than a text or email.
Make A Donation
w/c 10 March
This could be a donation of clothes or books to the charity shop, putting food items in the box for the food bank at the supermarket or making a financial donation to a charity of your choice.
Plant Something
w/c 17 March
Plant seeds, bulbs or a plant to be enjoyed by others. Maybe in someone’s garden or a pot, or a project. (watch this space for a church project)
Say Thank You
w/c 24 March
Spend the week thinking carefully about where you can thank others around you. It could be going out of your way to say thank you to the bus driver as you get off, or the person who serves you at the checkout. Could you go out of your way to bake a cake or take flowers to the person who cuts your hair? Services your car? Or teaches your kids?
Litter Pick
w/c 31 March
Join the church litter pick at 10:30am Saturday 5th April as we tidy in our community.
If you can’t join us, maybe take some time this week to walk your road gathering any litter you see.
Pop A Note Through A Neighbour’s Door
w/c 7 April
We all love to receive a handwritten card or note. It shows time has been taken to think of us. Think about who would appreciate a note to say hi, or to remind someone that you are thinking of them.
Spend Time With Someone
w/c 14 April
Easter is coming and it’s a great celebration to invite friends and family to. We also have so many Church events coming up in May. Why not invite someone to the classical evening, or to come and browse the May Fayre with you and have a cup of tea. Or if church events are not appropriate, invite someone for a coffee?