I’m New
Hello & Welcome
Welcome! Whether you’re completely new to church, returning, or looking for a fresh spiritual home it’s great to meet you.
Hopefully you will find all the information you need here, but do feel free to get in touch with the office, or via social media if there is something we can help you with.
At All Saints we recognise that everyone’s spiritual journey is different, and that what helps one person connect with God may not work for another. We therefore have four very different sunday services, so there should be something for you!
We love seeing new faces, just come and say hi to one of the welcome team. Alternatively you can catch up on previous services and sermons or join the live stream by following the links below.
Keep In Touch
There are always things going on at All Saints. The best way to keep in touch with what is happening is via our weekly email. To sign up, simply fill in the connect form below.