Eco Church
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
Psalm 24:1
God has given us this planet to look after and care for, and this is a responsibility we try to take seriously at ASH. Humanity is called to be stewards of God’s world, to use resources with wisdom and to join with God in His work to renew and restore creation.
As a church we are proud that our work on this front has been recognised by A Rocha UK with a Bronze Eco Church award.
If you would like to find out more about how we are seeking to become more sustainable, or pass any ideas to the eco team, please get in touch.
Upcoming Plans
Earth Hour (22nd March)
Bringing reusable cups on Sunday instead of using paper cups
Recycling a wider range of waste
Clothes swap
Increase the biodiversity and natural habitats in our church gardens
Developing partnership with other local churches with a similar vision
Recent Initiatives
Monthly litter picks in the parish
Creating a bug hotel in the garden
Planting sunflowers with our children
Recycling point for soft plastics
Recycling point for batteries and blister packs
'Green Hearts Sunday'
Growing in the way we pray for environmental issues