Catch Up
Do You Love Me?
In the final sermon of our series looking at Stories Jesus Asked, we consider how - despite his denials - Peter still loved Jesus, and is invited back into relationship with Christ.
Are You Sleeping?
Though His suffering, Jesus brings transformation. His call through our sorrows is to remain awake and watching for Him.
This week we reflect on the evil and waste of war. Against the backdrop of the invasions of Ukraine and Gaza this issue seems more pertinent than ever.
Do you want to be healed?
The sad reality is that the suffering of poverty is all around us. Jesus, and His Church, offers hope to all though the difficulty and sadness. The desperations of homelessness and isolation shame our society, we, as a Church, are called to love and help where we can.
All Saints’ Day
A lot has happened over the last year. This week, the vicar pauses to take stock of what has happened, and forward to what God might be doing amongst us.
It’s All God’s
It's easy to see structures and challenges of the secular world as separate from the concerns of the Church; but of course, everything belongs to God, and sometimes it's the role of His people to speak truth to power.
How Salty Are You?
Salt changes everything it is mixed with; it flavours, heals and preserves. Jesus plays on all these levels of meaning when comparing his followers to salt.
Who Do You Say I Am?
This week Jesus poses one of his most challenging questions - who do you say I am? This question cuts to the heart of our faith, our values and our trust in Him.
As twelve members of the Church - both children and adults - affirm and confirm their faith in Jesus Christ, Bishop Emma reflects on the meaning of the service. In confirmation we enter more fully into the family of Christ as well as having the opportunity to publicly declare our faith in Him.
How Many Loaves Do You Have?
As the story of the feeding of the four thousand attests, Jesus is an amazing provider, often working in unexpected ways. In response we are called to offer what we have to Him. Generosity of heart is the core of biblical giving, no matter if what we offer is big or small God is able to use it for His own purpose.
Why Do You Not Notice?
Nobody is perfect, that much is simple. However we often look at others through the lens of our own assumptions, prejudices and insecurities. In order to really help others it's important to notice the log in our own eyes first.
What Do You Want?
This week we look at Jesus' challenge to some of his earliest disciples to identify what it is they want from him. It's a question that cuts to the heart of who we are and our deepest desires. Jesus' invitation to 'come and see' is the beginning of a full relationship with him, walking side by side.